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This year is the 60th anniversary for Big Sandy Camp!
It was purchased in 1959 for $18,000 and the grounds spanned 120 acres. Previously, the property had been a different camp and there were a few old shacks, but the majority of the property was wilderness.
There are many stories that could be told about the development of the property, but for sake of time I can only touch on two…DISCLAIMER: while these stories are based on facts, it’s possible the details may have been exaggerated over the years!
Story 1: Fact: dynamite was used to clear stumps from the property. One version I have heard is that one particularly stubborn stump required multiple attempts and the final load of dynamite sent the stump flying into the lake, almost hitting a boat of fisherman. Can you imagine the permits necessary to use dynamite for stump removal today?
Story 2: Fact: many old shacks on the “new” property needed to be demolished for safety reasons. One version I have heard is that one of the first directors was burning a cabin a week for bonfires. These bonfires resulted in the population of “homeless critters” to skyrocket on the camp grounds!
To sound like a politician, I can neither confirm or deny any of those details as it was before my time, however, if you’d like to do some of your own investigation, camp staff can put you in contact with some long-time friends of the camp who were present at the time of these stories.
One exaggeration that cannot be overstated is the impact that has taken place in literally thousands of lives and families through the ministry of Big Sandy Camp. While “Changing Hearts and Touching Lives” may not have been the mission in the early days, it was certainly the practice.
A brief conversation with any current or former camp staff or campers and you will be able to hear and confirm the impact that has taken place over the last 60 years is still taking place today.
In honor of the 60th anniversary, would you consider becoming a monthly partner of the camp and commit to give $60 a month for the next 12 months? To make a gift, simply visit, hover on “Support” and click on “Donations”.
Your gifts will allow the camp to continue to “Change Hearts and Touch Lives” for the next 60 years!
Thank you for your ongoing support and prayers! |